Throughout the process of writing the book, drawing the pictures, and getting it published, it always seemed too good to be true. I kept thinking that at some point Wiley would change their minds, and I would be starting all over again. But here it is! The book is out tomorrow, and I can't even wrap my mind around it. If you get a chance, please stop by your local bookstore and ask them for a copy of the book. Thank you thank you to all of your support and your encouragement, tough questions, and thoughtful comments. You helped make this possible.
CONGRATULATIONS! I have been reading your info for about a year now and I am so happy for you! May God bless you as you help many women with this timely info!
Tonya: Gosh, thank you so much! I really appreciate you reading my info for so long, and I do hope it's helped. Thank you so much for your kind words to me!
rainbowlens: That's exactly how I feel!
Hi Teri!
I have been following the plan that you advised me. Because I exercise every day, I rinse my twists with water and then apply conditioner. However, I feel that my hair is always wet. After I rinse it, I leave my twists out in the open for them to dry. They are usually dry before I hit the bed. But I didn't know if always rinsing my hair with water would cause bacteria or mold to set in my hair. Do you think I should be concerned? If so, what should I do? I was thinking of maybe buying aloe vera juice and mixing in with the conditioner when I apply it. It has been said that it keeps bacteria from setting on the scalp. But if you feel it is not needed, then I won't waste my money buying it? What do you think!!!?
Hi teri,
Thank you soooooo much for writing this Book. I am avid reader of your website and have almost finished reading your book. I am living in Germany and unfortunately there only a small number of information about tightly curly hair in German language. Therefore I have started a German blog about it with references to your technique. Your technique works wonders to my son's hair.
I am so happy for you that your dream about this book came true!
Hey Teri!!
I bought your book about a month ago I think....
I just love it love it love it!!!
I refer to it very often. Its a great resource to all Natural Women!
Check out my blog!
Quick question, Teri. Will dot knots cause breakage if not cut? Thanks for your time.
thank you so much, i stumbled upon your site when i was trying to figure out what to do about my hair. Your hair sounds a lot like mine - soft thinner bigger curls on the sides and back and tighter curls in the middle top. I've spent years trying to change my hair, because as a mixed girl if your hair is not like "theirs" or "theirs" then no one is sure what to do with it, how to treat it. So i've spent years trying to make it look like "theirs". I'm 24 now, and flat irons, chemical straighteners, etc have KILLED my hair. It's broken out so badly.
Your curls are BEAUTIFUL! i want them! So for the past two weeks i have been treating my hair right, and following the rules on your site and its working already. i still have the dead chemically relaxed ends but about 2 inches worth of MY hair. My spirals. They are so nice i just feel them all day long. I can't wait for it to grow and the dead chemical hair be all gone, and it to get long enough to wear down.
Your book is my hair's bible. thank you!
My book has not arrived yet, but I am excited!
Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations. I came across your blog from Black Voices Hair Talk.
I ran across your book in the library, and I have to say, it's really amazing. Thank you so much!
I just found your site--but a few years too late.
I have that same soft, tightly coiled hair that I wanted shoulder-toss long in a perfectly coiled glory. I’d figured out some of those techniques and they worked well in the desert of Arizona. However, moves to Santa Cruz, CA and Seattle, WA left me desperate—the wind, humidity and little sun left my hair a frizzy mess. Without all of the right techniques, it was more poof than toss. In Seattle, I began locking my hair which put me back in touch with the love of my hair and gave me the means to get some length. But I did give up the volume and more defined curls in the process. Every now and again, I dream of combing out my locks (very doable with enough time) and bringing my curls back. If I do, you best believe your book will be the one I have on my nightstand. In the meantime, I’ll use the tips I can (my mature, slightly longer than shoulder length locs are still frizzy sometimes) and continue to sing your praises.
A Desert Princess
Teri, I bought your book the second I saw it at the store and am reading through it right now. Thank you for all the tips, techniques and myth busting!
Wow. Just WoW. The second I saw the book I picked it up like someone was gonna steal it from me! Stayed up ALL NIGHT reading and re-reading how to do the style. I just purchased the conditioners I will need.
Thank You.
Love the book! I'm hoping you will review Inecto Pure Coconut Oil - Moisture Infusing Conditioner. I got it at Ulta chain beauty stores. It seems to have all the ingredients you recommend, and I find it works well as a combing conditioner on my daughter's mixed textured hair (3c/4a).
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