My hair has managed to tangle around some impressively odd things. I've tangled myself into buttons, my bra strap, rings and earrings. I've gotten caught in the wood grain of cabinets at work as I passed, and it's nearly guaranteed I'll be caught in shrubbery when I walk in the woods. It catches on items on store shelves and knocks off onto the floor what it can't hold onto as I go by. It catches in notebooks and pens. But just when I thought I've gotten my hair caught in about every surface it can get caught in, my hair surprised me once more.
The other day I was peacefully eating a bowl of cornflakes while reading. I put a spoonful in my mouth, not paying attention, and discovered hair in my mouth, too. This is normal (it often sticks to my chapstick or gloss). But when I tried to pull it out, I found it stuck fast inside my mouth. The only way I was able to get my hair out was to open my mouth, and when I pulled out my hair, a cornflake came out too, still tangled in my hair like a crunchy fish on a curly fishing line. The cornflake rotated slowly at the end of my hair until I untangled it. Then I tucked my hair safely behind my ears, and went back to eating.
pectionLOL~this totally made me laugh! I have fine, thin, straight, long, white girl hair, and my darling is FOREVER having to rescue me from a tangle into something. I think maybe the oddest was the clothesline~I'm SO HAPPY he was home when it happened! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
Oh no!
LOL...that is too funny!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Poor you! :)
that is too funny!!! i can't wait until i have that problem!
WOW Teri, I sooooooo look forward to being in this predicament someday. Beeeutiful pic! On another note, I'm so xcited to see the addition of Aussie Moist to ur combing conditioners. I just bought this thinking to use it for rinsing only, but now, I will try it as a leave in. YAY.......the smell is heaven.
CONGRATULATIONS on ur upcoming Wedding. Many blessings to u and ur spouse.
Ha ha, I'm going to have to agree that I'm still waiting for such mishaps!
oh wow very funny!
Ha ha! That is funny!
I love this! Too funny!
hello! I just stumbled across your blog...I just have to say...were we separated at birth? lol...we grew up with almost the exact same cultural issues and problems with our hair, and I am so glad that someone has decided to write a book about this. I grew up with a white mom who had no idea what to do with my hair, so her motto was "cut it off--it should be easier to handle." I was influenced by some black aunts when I entered junior high, and that was the beginning of my relaxer usage. I am now 26, and about a year and a half ago I decided to never let harsh chems touch my hair again, and I remember saying to my mom, "I don't even remember what my real hair looks like!" Ever since then, I've taken steps to rejuvenate my hair without having to cut it off. I salute you on your courage to cut when the time was right! I'm at about 6in new growth, but all my hair reaches down my back and I'm still afraid to let go. I want to thank you for your curl defining technique section on your site: I really like your suggestion about leaving the combing conditioner in the hair. brilliant. I've always cleansed it and combed it like you do, but always tried to rely on curling gels and concoctions to get definition; and your way seems much better for the overall health of my hair. thank you thank you thank you and I have to say, ever since I started loving my hair for the first time a couple of years ago, my confidence has improved. please continue to inspire others to luv their curlz!!!
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